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Year: 2022-2023

Principal Investigator: Keera Allendorf

The aim of the Indian American Family Study (IAFS) is to investigate (Asian) Indian Americans’ views and experiences of family life with a focus on marriage, childbearing, and intergenerational relationships. 

Year: 2020-2021

Principal Investigator: Timothy Hallett

This project examines how social science ideas become public ideas, and in doing so it develops a sociology of public social science. The project asks, what are public ideas and how do they come to be?

Year: 2012-2013

Principal Investigator: Clem Brooks

This study investigates the dynamics of attitudes formation on issues relating to job hiring and workplace evaluations, public social provision, social justice, and counterterrorism in the contemporary United States.

Year: 2011-2012

Principal Investigator: Arthur S. Alderson

This study focused on the link between status, styles of cultural consumption, and life satisfaction. Through a nationally-representative survey, this research examined how processes of social comparison and reference groups might vary by social location across a range of visible, positional goods and how styles of consumption and reference groups affect life satisfaction.  

Year: 2008-2009

Principal Investigator: Clem Brooks

This study, the third wave of a telephone survey of United States residents, gauged public opinion regarding government policies, specifically aimed at measuring the public's feelings toward what changes should or should not be made.

Year: 2007-2008

Principal Investigator: Patricia McManus

This telephone survey of United States residents from six metropolitan areas was aimed at measuring the public’s feelings toward immigration policies, current legal and illegal or documented and undocumented immigrants living in the United States, and whether changes should or should not be made to existing laws. 

Year: 2006-2007

Principal Investigator: Clem Brooks

The purpose of this study was to gauge public opinion regarding government policies, specifically aimed at measuring the public’s feelings toward what changes should or should not be made, through a second wave of data collection.

Year: 2004-2005

Principal Investigator: Clem Brooks

The purpose of the survey was to gauge public opinion regarding government policies, specifically aimed at measuring the public's feelings toward what changes should or should not be made.

Year: 2000-2001

Principal Investigators: Jane McLeod | David Takeuchi

The TAME Study focused on foster children's transitions into adulthood through telephone surveys and in-depth interviews with teenagers who are currently in the foster care system in Indiana; a mail survey of Division of Family and Children case managers; and a telephone survey of Indiana residents (the Indiana poll).

Year: 1999-2000

Principal Investigators: Bernice A. Pescosolido | J. Scott Long

This study focused on the issue of health care reform and examined the importance of items on "quality of life" instruments in the arena of mental health across different socioeconomic and racial and ethnic groups.

Year: 1997-1998

Principal Investigator: Michael Wallace

The ISWIPE focused on experiences of job insecurity, including contingent work, layoffs, downsizing, organizational changes, and part-time work. The telephone survey collected data from 972 Indiana workers and included questions about their jobs, employers, and attitudes about their work.

Year: 1996-1997

Principal Investigator: Douglas Maynard

This research investigated how survey research is done as a concrete, practical activity through a study of the Center for Survey Research at Indiana University.

Year: 1995-1996

Principal Investigator: Michael Wallace

The IQES was a telephone survey of 705 Indiana workers in which they were asked questions about their jobs, employers, and attitudes about their work.

Year: 1994-1995

Principal Investigator: Laurel Cornell

This study examined how households and individuals in households in two Tokogawa Era villages adjusted their patterns of marriage, birth, death, migration and household formation in response to changes in population growth rates, local disasters, and household difficulties.

Year: 1993-1994

Principal Investigator: David James

This study explored school desegregation issues and changes from 1970 to 1990, through data collected from 1591 school districts in 15 U.S. cities.

Year: 1991-1992

Principal Investigator: Randy Hodson

This study included (1) a telephone survey of workers and (2) reading of workplace ethnographies and coding information about each organization and its workers.

Year: 1990-1991

Principal Investigator: Thomas Gieryn

This project focused on the planning and design of three new laboratory buildings for biotechnological research, using interviews, archival materials, and ethnographic observations.

Year: 1987-1988

Principal Investigator: Peggy A. Thoits

This study drew on identity theory and stress theory and investigated stress in everyday life through structured face-to-face interviews with a stratified sample of Indianapolis-area residents.

Year: 1986-1987

Principal Investigator: Robert V. Robinson

This project was a quantitative historical study of manufacturing firms and their products and used archival materials to examine the impact of (1) technological changes associated with industrialization, (2) sectoral differences between industries, and (3) economic climate and business cycles on the work lives of men, women and children in Indianapolis from 1850 to 1930.

Year: 1982-1983

Principal Investigator: Alan Lizotte

This telephone survey collected information about respondents’ knowledge and views about a variety of social issues, as well as information about their general life values, media use, and demographic characteristics.

Year: 1981-1982

Principal Investigators: Arne Kalleberg | James R. Lincoln

The Indianapolis/Tokyo Work Commitment study examined the feelings and motivations that workers in different industries in the U.S. and Japan have toward their jobs and workplaces, and the role of management and industrial relations practices in shaping employee work attitudes. Researchers obtained data from managers at 52 manufacturing plants in Central Indiana, and questionnaires from 4,567 production workers and managers at those firms.

Year: 1980-1981

Principal Investigator: James R. Lincoln

The Youth Service Network Study investigated how youth-serving professionals and their agencies communicate, refer clients, and share resources among themselves. Researchers conducted interviews with 52 youth service agency directors and gathered data from 454 agency staff through self-administered questionnaires.

Year: 1979-1980

Principal Investigator: Susan A. Stephens

This study examined the process and consequences of housing rehabilitation through a survey of residents sampled from twelve study areas within Indianapolis.

Year: 1978-1979

Principal Investigator: Duane Alwin

This survey of Marion County residents focused on the social psychology of inequality, including attitudes and beliefs about social inequality and respondents’ evaluations and explanations of their socioeconomic attainment.

Year: 1977-1978

Principal Investigator: Sheldon Stryker

This survey of Indianapolis residents examined social psychological concepts, including commitment, identity, and role performance.

Year: 1976-1977

Principal Investigators: David Knoke | James Wood

This study examined commitment processes within social influence associations through interviews with 820 leaders, members, and volunteers from 32 voluntary associations from Marion County, Indiana.

Year: 1972-1973

Principal Investigator: William Morgan

This study examined high school students’ and their mothers’ attitudes and orientations toward higher education and employment, drawing on a survey of 2,067 Louisville high school seniors, data from school records, and interviews with students’ mothers.

Year: 1971-1972

Principal Investigator: Garland White

This survey of adult Indianapolis residents focused on criminality and punitiveness. Researchers collected data on respondents’ reactions to descriptions of hypothetical situations of criminal activity, as well as other attitudinal and demographic information.

Year: 1970-1971

Principal Investigator: James R. Wood

This research project investigated the relationship of local church congregations to higher levels of authority within their respective dominations. Interviews were conducted with 604 members of 12 Protestant congregations in Marion County, Indian, about background characteristics, religious background and beliefs, and attitudes on a range of social issues.

Year: 1969-1970

Principal Investigator: Michael Schwartz

This study examined generation gaps through a survey of teenage boys and their parents. Survey questions explored relationships between teenage sons and their parents and differences and perceived disagreements between them about lifestyle and a range of attitudes.

Year: 1967-1968

Principal Investigator: Marvin Olsen

This study investigated rates and patterns of participation in a variety of political, social, occupational, religious, and other activities through a survey of 750 respondents from Indianapolis and its surrounding suburbs.

Year: 1966-1967

Principal Investigator: John Scanzoni

This study explored marriage and the family in modern society through a survey of residents of the greater Indianapolis area.

Year: 1965-1966

Principal Investigator: Elton F. Jackson

The first Indianapolis Area Project drew a systematic random sample of households in the Indianapolis area and surveyed 759 respondents about a range of attitudes, preferences, and activities. The Indianapolis data also contributed to a broader, comparative study of six communities from two contrasting regions of the United States.

Banner image: The SISR in January 1962, shortly before the founding of the Indianapolis Area Project/Sociological Research Practicum, via the IU University Archives.